Thalidomide Associations
International Thalidomide Associations
Some sources say more than 10,000 thalidomide babies were born in 43 countries in the late 1950s and 60s. This number is only an estimate. Many babies were probably not counted. The birth defects of babies born before news of the drug’s devastating effects would have been attributed to unknown causes. In addition, infant mortality due to in utero thalidomide exposure is estimated to be as high as 40%.
The following countries have formed an association or society to support survivors.
Australia Thalidomide Australia Incorporated
Brazil Thalidomide Survivors in Brazil
Belgium Thalidomide Survivors in Belgium
Canada Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada
Germany Contergan Society (Germany)
Ireland Irish Thalidomide Association
Ireland Irish Thalidomide Survivors Society
Italy Italian Thalidomide Association
Japan Ishizue Foundation
Spain Association of Thalidomide Victims in Spain
Sweden The Swedish Thalidomide Society
United Kingdom Thalidomide Society
United Kingdom The Thalidomide Trust
United Kingdom The London Science Museum’s History of Medicine: Thalidomide