Your Rights & Resources as a Person with a Disability

by | Feb 15, 2021

You do not want to miss this next session of the US Thalidomide Survivors 2021 Online Speaker Series!

The following is a description from our presenters, Jan Garrett and Suzanne Hopkins:

As a person with a disability, have you ever wondered what rights you have and where you can get the services you need? And do you prefer to hear this information from other people with disabilities? Then attend this presentation given by two women who live with disabilities and truly “get it”. In this workshop, Jan Garrett will answer the most frequently asked questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Suzanne Hopkins will then describe the disability-related services and referrals offered by most centers for independent living (CILs) nationwide. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your knowledge and independence!

(This presentation will not be recorded; you must tune in live on the 27th!)
To join on the 27th . . .
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(US) +1 218-296-8881
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Jan Garrett, JD

Jan Garrett, JD

Jan Garrett, JD, is the Program Manager of the Pacific ADA Center (Center).  The Center is part of the ADA National Network, a network of regional centers that provide informal guidance, materials, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Jan has more than 20 years of training experience in disability law, accessibility requirements and disability awareness.  As a person who was born without limbs, Jan understands the importance of educating others about disability.  

Suzanne R. Hopkins, EMMDS

Suzanne R. Hopkins, EMMDS

Suzanne R. Hopkins, EMMDS, is the Director of Programs with the Center for Independent Living Options in Ohio.  Suzanne has 28 combined years of experience in the Disability and Violence Against Women (VAW) Services fields, and a passion to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals and uphold the core values of independent living of dignity, peer support, consumer control, civil rights, integration, equal access, and advocacy.

John Marshall

Most of us participated in a guided tour of the US Capitol Building. Most impressive, in my opinion, was the Rotunda, the infamous domed circular room in the center of the Capitol. The historical paintings i.e., the Declaration of Independence along with the statues and busts of former presidents were impressive. BUT no one could resist looking up!

The conference was a jam-packed three days ending with a “roaming” dinner in the hotel. The term is used lightly, as it turns out, we have a party animal in our midst. Our fearless leader, JoJo Calora, had quite the set-up in his room. He had karaoke goin’ on. He also cranked up the tunes and blasted out heavy metal! Did you know there’s a song about thalidomide? It’s called “Prescribing Horror” by Exodus. You shouldn’t listen to it before you go to sleep. LOL! Fortunately, no neighbors complained, and fun was had by all. Although there was food, snacks, and drinks in three other rooms, people didn’t roam much. JoJo had the fun room! Can’t wait for next year!

Robert Gamble, JoJo and Elizabeth


We consider this conference successful! We are moving forward with our campaign and we can’t do it alone. We need YOUR help! Write your senators and representatives! Tell your friends what we have learned. One person could be the link we need to be heard. Be a part of our success story!

Need assistance with this process? Please call our info line (612-440-1920) and we’ll connect you with our legislative committee!